Menu Beef / Horse

The new Fix-BAF menus for cats (Biologically Appropriate Food) are the new and healthy alternative to our Fix-BARF-raw meat menus. These menus are produced in the same way and are of the same quality as the Fix-BARF-menus, but they are gently cooked in their own juice during a special process and so they are made durable for about 2 years without any cooling. As all Fix-BARF-menus, also the Fix-BAF-menus are complete feeds.

Our Beef / Horse menu for cats is a savoury complete menu for a balanced meal. Juicy pieces of meat from beef and horse stimulate your cat to chew and thus ensure natural teeth cleaning. Further ingredients such as beef blood, liver and salmon plus additions of seaweed, rock salt and taurine ensure that your four-legged friend is supplied with all necessary nutrients.

Our horse meat is particularly easy to digest. A natural fat content – both from horse and beef – provides your cat with important fatty and amino acids. The vitamin D requirement is covered with fresh, genuine salmon and your cat gets fibres in the form of raw, grated vegetables, which ensure a good digestion.

Fix BAF is ideal for cats who refuse or can not tolerate raw meat. But also for households that have little refrigeration and freezing possibilities, that have difficulties in dealing with raw meat or for stays in the veterinary clinic or at a cat pension, if there is no raw meat feeding possible. In all cases, Fix-BAF is the ideal, healthy alternative! And, of course, Fix-BAF is ideal, if you want a valuable, well-balanced and appropriate supplemented food.

Advantages of our Fix-BAF-menus:

  • gently cooked menus in their own juice
  • balanced complete feed in the accustomed Fix-BARF-quality
  • very high percentage of high-quality muscle meat and offal such as liver, stomach and heart
  • appropriate addition of nutrients, individually calculated for each menu
  • no cooling necessary / durable up to 2 years
  • no artificial additives, no sugar, no cereals
  • no inferior animal by-products
  • no herbal ingredients (except fibres)

Zusammensetzung: 36,7 % Rindernacken, 33,3 % Pferdefleisch, 10,0 % Rinderherz, 6,7 % Rinderfett, 5,0 % Karotten, 2,9 % Rinderblut, 2,7 % Rinderleber, 1,4 % Lachs sowie

1,7 % Supplemente: Eierschalenpulver, Fleischknochenmehl, Tafelsalz, Seealgenmehl, Taurin, Natriumselenit, Mangan(II)sulfat Monohydrat, Folsäure, Biotin, Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, Vitamin E und Lachsöl


Unsere Mengenrabatte:
Menge Rabatt
ab 10 x 300 g Pouches 10 % Rabatt
ab 15 x 85 g Pouches 13 % Rabatt


Der Rabatt wird im Warenkorb gewährt.



  • Taxation: Reduced rate
  • Product Type: Single Article
  • Beef: Yes
  • Horse: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Offal: Yes

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