Abomasum/Reed Tripe (minced)

Grant your four-legged friend a very special taste: Abomasum/Reed Tripe from cattle! This special delicacy is easy digestible and the perfect supplement for your usual BARF-meals. Info: Abomasum is one of the four stomachs of the ruminants, where the actual digestion process is taking place. The content is already digested very good, why the food intake for your dog is eased. Valuable food remains including important vitamins, minerals and bacteria remain contained to provide your dog comprehensively.

The Abomasum/Reed Tripe is washed and minced during our production. Our quick processing after slaughtering ensures highest quality for this product. During the production only stomachs from grazers from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania/Germany are used which were kept species-appropriate.

Composition: 100% Abomasum/Reed Tripe minced

Please note: The K&K Petfood GmbH receives its raw materials, like the „Abomasum/Reed Tripe“ from its own slaughter house in Perleberg/Germany. The cows slaughtered here predominantly originate from pasture grazing. Grazing at the meadows the animals pick up different objects, for instance stones, metal, glass, plastic etc.. That´s why things like that can get into the cows stomach. The 'Abomasum' is one of the four stomachs of the cow.

  • Refrigerated Item: Yes
  • Taxation: Reduced rate
  • Product Type: Single Article
  • Beef: Yes
  • Rumen & Gizzard: Yes
  • Art des Futtermittels Einzelfuttermittel für Hunde

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