Complete menu of turkey / redfish

A favourite menu for real fish fans: In this complete menu, fine redfish is used along with lot of turkey meat. The low-fat fish contains highly digestible protein and ensure the iodine supply to the cats in a natural way.

Calcium is supplemented with eggshell powder and thus has a natural proportion of phosphor in the menu for a balanced Calcium/Phosphor- ratio, which supports the bone health of your cat. The used sea salt does not contain any additives like iodine or fluoride, naturally included minerals take care of a balanced electrolyte levels.

Zusammensetzung: 36,5 % Putenmuskelfleisch, 17,0 % Putenherz, 16,5 % Rotbarsch, 16,5 % Putenmagen, 6,0 % Geflügelblut, 5,0 % Karotten, 0,7 % Putenleber, 0,1 % Lachsöl sowie < 2 % Supplemente:Eierschale, Salz, Taurin, Vitamin E, Kupfer, Vitamin B1, Folsäure, Biotin und Vitamin D3

Analytische Bestandteile:
Rohprotein 17,6 %
Rohfett 10,1 %
Rohfaser 0,4 %
Rohasche 0,45 %
Feuchtigkeit 70,7 %


  • Refrigerated Item: Yes
  • Taxation: Reduced rate
  • Product Type: Single Article
  • Poultry: Yes
  • Fish: Yes
  • Offal: Yes
  • Art des Futtermittels Alleinfuttermittel für Katzen

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